Bev Hurst
K9101 Dog Agility Training School
Breeder of Australian Shepherds
Since 1974
Using positive training methods.
Member of the Professional Dog Trainers Association of Canada.
Owner operator of training center since 1974
Worked with a veterinarian for 4 years
Recommended by Veterinarians as a behavior specialist
Attended Seminars conducted by Top Level Professionals in both Scent-Tracking and Agility
Hosted Tracking Seminars and classes
Obtained over 50 obedience titles.
Certified C.G.C. & CCGN Evaluator
CARO Rally Obedience Judge
DMWYD Instructor of the Year
Conducted Rally Obedience Clinics/ Workshops in Canada and Europe
Conducted classes for the Prescott-Russell Board of Education 1984 -1990
Worked for "Centre Canine des Ruisseaux" in Quebec, as head trainer & general manager for 2 years
Graduated from the Canine School of Science with top honors in canine psychology and structure
Instructor for the Cornwall District Kennel Club for 4 years
Active breeder and exhibitor of dogs in obedience, agility, scent detection and conformation
Owner/trainer of the #1 West Highland White Terrier in Obedience in Canada 1986
Owner/trainer of the #1 Giant Schnauzer in Obedience in Canada 1987-1988
Owner/trainer of the #4 Kerry Blue Terrier in Obedience in Canada 1997
Owner/trainer First Rally Excellent MCL Dog "Cutter" under CARO rules 2002 First Versatility title 2005
Actively competes in Agility, Disc Dog, Herding, Scent Detection and Obedience
Trainer of Cutter-Cricket-Arrow -Vegas-Raven - Crump & Rowdy and ONYX who are Agility Trial Champions ATChC
Australian Shepherd Breeder
Founding Member of Hilltop K9 Agility & head trainer
Founding Member of Krazy K 9 Agility
Co -Founder of the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience
Qualified Cutter-Cricket-Arrow, Raven & Crump ---Australian Shepherds for the AAC National Agility Trials
for several years
Owner -Trainer- breeder of Raven, winner of the AAC 2019 regionals in her division
2005/2006 Agility & Freestyle Disc Demos at the Super Ex, Ottawa